

Andrée LeRoy


Medical Doctor & Medical Intuitive

On A Mission:

I’m on a mission to help high-achieving, heart-centered professional reach peak performance by optimizing their health and vitality through the implementation of an innovative and scientifically based approach that I have refined over the years.

By leveraging the relationship between physical, mental, and spiritual health and performance and productivity, I have guided tech industry leaders to overall optimization and prevented the long-term effects of burnout. Being able to spend unrushed time with patients to get to truly know them and their lifestyles allows us to build a feasible health blueprint that is sustainable and effective. I use a team-based approach to ensure you get full maximization in all critical areas in addition to ongoing support from highly trained healthcare professionals.

Having a physician who specializes in wellness, burnout, integrative and functional medicine in your corner will allow you access to invaluable resources and knowledge that will help you get ahead of the game.